Tuesday, March 31, 2009

DO Now 3-31-09

word of the day:I'm known as a  polyglot because I can write, read and talk in spanish and in english.
analogy of the day:furious:angry::pocketbook:purse

DO Now 3-31-09

Monday, March 30, 2009

Do Now 2-30-09

Do Now:New word of the day:A typical japanese kimono is made from eight pieces of quilt.Analogy of the day:Rules:game::soldier:army

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

word of the day:punctual:My mom always says I am punctual because I go to school on time every day.Analogy of the day:Harvest:Autumn::cake:birthday

Monday, March 23, 2009

Do Now:school:homework::orchestra:violin
I learned how to play the violin at a young age.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Do Now:A mongrel dog is one that is of mixed of breeds.
The mongrel has a really pretty color.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Do Now:
I ran like a sprinter this morning.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.
If a man plans to abscond with a lot of money,it means he is going to abscond.
the woman absconded with the movie from blockbuster.
How can practicing analogies and new words and writing in sentences help you in the future?Well in doing this I well become a much more better speller and well know what some challenging words mean.It well make me more creative in writing sentences in the future.Analogies can help me in the future because it well make me put in challenging words into a sentence.Knowing an analogy is really good to know in the future because you well know the meaning of a challenging word .It's always good writing an analogy in the sentence because by reading the analogy in the sentence you kind of picture the word in your head and get an understanding of it. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Do Now:Scene:play:sill:window
Word of the Day:The movie I saw on HBO was abominal

Monday, March 2, 2009

Explain,what you have learned in technology so far?I have learned how to type much more better.My spelling has gotten better and I don't make that much mispelling corrections.I know how to get into my blogger and publish post.I can now post a commit on people's bloggers.I am much more quicker on getting into any sites.I don't make that many mistakes on techconnect.I can type really fast without looking at the computers keyboard.